Monday, May 28, 2007

On my soap box...fair warning

I hate ignorant people. I hate airlines that are stupid and so self involved that they don't care if their company gets pulled into a pit. I will never fly (I'll call them US), and I hope you won't either. They are always rude to anyone that doesn't work for them, they never have anything nice to say. I can't tell you how many calls I get from customers because they are missing their bags....WHEN I HAVN'T RECIEVED THEM YET. After informing them, I ask where they got our number and they say that US gave it to them.... WTF!??!?! DO YOU FUCKING JOB AND STOP MAKING ME DO IT FOR YOU. I DON'T GET PAID TO DO YOUR JOB. PUT THE ADDRESS ON THE BDO, AND LET ME HAVE IT. A PHONE NUMBER IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. IT IS NOT MY JOB TO GET THE ADDRESS FROM THE PASSENGER. THAT WOULD BE YOURS! I am not your answering service so inform your 800 number of that. I recieved a call (today which is the reason for this post) about a lady with a damaged bag and she wanted to talk to someone from US about it. Well their 800 number gave her my number saying that I could help her..>>WTF<< I DON'T GET PAID TO DO YOUR JOB. So I kindly relay the message for the passenger....I walk down to the ticket counter and hand them a sticky note with her name phone number on it. And I was advised that they don't handle damage claims here......WTF!?!?! JUST CALL HER AND TELL HER THAT...I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as I have been here....I have nothing positive to say about that airline. And I would rather walk to my destination then get the kind of service that they offer to the people that PAY THEIR BILLS.

I'm sooooo pissed right now. If it was up to me, I wouldn't handle that airline anymore. Nor would I be sad if they went out of business. AND NO ONE FROM THAT COMPANY WOULD EVER BE EMPLOYED BY ME.


On another note I added a widget to my desk top for Olivias 18th Birthday. :-) LOL... I know its 16+ Years away......I can't help it. I'm pathetic.

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