Friday, April 24, 2009

A New Leaf?

Last Sunday my husband and I attended a friends church. We come from two very different churches, and yet last Sunday was the first time we have gone together since we've been well, together.

I grew up in a Roman Catholic Church, and my husband a Non Denominational. We visited a Methodist Church that a few friends go to. I may go again on Sunday to see a more "Traditional" service there, they had 3 baptisms and it was not their "Normal" as they said. I have been to a few Baptist Churches and I am comfortable there, but my husband is not. I really want to find a church and become a member. I would love to have a strong relationship with God, as well as a church that we agree on so we could raise our family in.

I don't believe I have ever really accepted God into my life. I don't know. Do you ever really know when you have? I pray, probably not often enough. I wish I knew. I pray that I can have the relationship with God that so many people do, and not a fake one where I say I am a Christian and do not live like one.

I am not fond of others shoving their religion in my face. Nor am I comfortable with asking questions I might have. I didn't think this transition should/would be so difficult.

I want/need God in my life, and I am going to start now.

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