Monday, April 27, 2009


Jon's best friend growing up, a man he lost touch with for 13 years and recently found again, is adopting. Him and his wife have two children of their own, and when I met him when asked if we had kids, automatic (I don't know or trust you yet) response; No. I've been invited to his Benefit dinner for friends and family to celebrate this "Joyous Occasion" part of me wants to go, the other is screaming at me telling me to tell him my story and open their eyes to "The Dark Side."

I don't know if I should bring it up casually, or just send him a message on facebook with my "cold hearted story."

Do I even have that right to step in? I've only seen the guy twice, once when Jon and him "remet" and the second was he was in our wedding. I don't really talk to the guy. I don't think Jon would say anything to him, but I don't want to over step my boundries by asking if the "Birthmom/firstmom" is going to be apart of this childs life.

This is making my head spin.

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