Thursday, January 03, 2008

"Happy" New Year

I hope you had a great one. I spent New Years Eve at my fathers bedside as he was making his way to see my grandparents in heaven. He made it to the New Year to celebrate with us, and we lost him shortly after. I lost my dad to cancer at 2:55am on 1-1-08. It has been a really long couple of days. I'm not fine. I miss him like crazy.


Jayne said...

I know exactly what you're going through. It sucks.

Unknown said...

Dear stranger,

I don't know you, nor have I the slightest idea why I have spent the last hour reading your blog.
First of all, I express my deepest sympathies for your loss. On the day your father passed away, I celebrated my grandfather's 83rd birthday, it seems like such a short time ago. A week ago today, he made his journey to heaven.

I visited his grave today, and told him everything. everything I couldn't tell him while he was alive... I'm not good with words. I'm horrible, and I'm sure you are more than familiar with the whole writing it down bit. It seems what I want to say looks better on paper than how it sounds coming out my mouth.

I read about your daughter... and I am crying with you. I am sure Olivia will one day find you, and truly understand your heart and your intentions.

It is very courageous of you to write about it.
I felt it necessary to say that your writing has touched my heart. You drew me in to a world so different than my own, yet with subtle similarities.

Have you ever thought of writing your own memoir?
I think you should know that you have a gift.
