Tuesday, January 08, 2008

"FUCK YOU" Is not an appropriate greeting on the Telephone at my work.....

So... As I lay here in bed on my day OFF mind you, I get a phone call (from work) asking where my boyfriend is. Since it IS my day OFF they shouldn't be calling me unless its an emergency....which it isn't I had just spoke to him and he was delivering bags that Dany made him.

(Lady I Work with) -hey wheres jon he needs to be here so he can go to the airport, hes missing in action and no one knows where he is.

(Me) -Dany sent him to deliver hotel bags, call him not me.

I hang up....

(Lady I Work With Calls Back)-FUCK YOU
(Lady I Work With Hangs up)

(I call back)
(Lady I Work With Answers)-Don't ever call me again
(Me)- Don't worry I'm calling Dany you won't have to speak to me again.

Seriously people.....I hate my job. I wish I had a place to go. I'd be there a year ago. I need a job BAD

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