Friday, June 30, 2006

Getting suspended from work for two days, makes me realize how happy I could be. (Probably won't make since but...) MY job honestly drags me down, I hate going there, I hate being there and I hate dealing with Shitty people who cant find their luggage and yell and bitch and moan because of was me that decided that you would be the lucky one that lost it that about realizing that if you have 10 minutes for a connection that your bag isn't going to make it, suck it up give me your information and we will have it delivered to you. I dread every day going back, and I don't want to go back tomorrow, it isn't worth it. If you have ever lost your luggage and gave the person a hard time, you are dumb as dirt. End of story, yes it is fustrating I understand that, but the person helping you is only doing that HELPING. Oh, and don't be a dumb ass and pack your keys and medication/breathing machine in a checked bag.....Common since people.....honestly. If you havn't been able to tell, I work at the airport and deal with shit heads all day. Sorry I needed to vent.

October 13, I meet Olivia, on her birthday

1 comment:

HeatherRainbow said...


Lucky for me, I never lost my luggage.